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The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology accepts all submissions electronically, via Scholastica. Please go to to submit articles for consideration. Please submit the file as a Word (preferred) or PDF file. Manuscripts must be accompanied by the author’s address, telephone number, and e-mail address. The author should also include a resume, a letter of introduction, and a short abstract. We do not accept hard copy submissions. If you are absolutely unable to submit your article via Scholastica, please contact us at

Our Peer Review Process

The International Journal of Law, Ethics, and Technology welcomes submissions of Articles, Essays, and Book Reviews. The Journal requests that contributors comply with the following standards:

Anonymous Review
Please confine your name, affiliation, biographical information, and acknowledgments to a separate cover page to facilitate our anonymous peer review process. In addition, please include the manuscript’s title on the first text page.

Citation Format
Please use footnotes rather than endnotes. Footnotes should conform to the 20th edition of the Bluebook.

Expedited Review
If you would like to request an expedited review of your submission, please refer to the unique link provided to you in your Submission Confirmation Email. If you did not receive this message, be sure to check your Spam / Junk folder.

Authors can submit and publish at no cost. There are no APCs (Article Processing Charges).